
Free Paycircle training for apprentices

Paycircle Training Academy

This is our latest initiative to support the payroll bureau industry. It’s the least we can do 😉

We’re supporting bureaus, who are bringing new people into the industry, by offering free Paycircle training for all apprentices and new starters. So, while bureau’s are busy training people in payroll, we can be helpful by showing them the ropes when it comes to their payroll software.

We’re going to be running training sessions on the first Friday and the second Monday of each month, starting in July. Friday’s will be Paycircle Intro Training Part 1 and Monday’s will be Paycircle Intro Training Part 2. We recommend leaving a month or two in between the Part 1 and Part 2 training sessions, unless people are already experienced in payroll and payroll software.

Here’s an overview of what will be covered in each session

Paycircle Intro Part 1

  • Company set up
  • Employment allowance and apprenticeship levy settings
  • Pension scheme set up
  • Adding team members
  • Setting up an attachment of earnings orders
  • Setting up and processing statutory absences
  • Processing changes in the current period
  • RTI and pension submissions

Paycircle Intro Part 2

  • Importing
  • Reporting
  • Payroll corrections

To book people onto the training courses, simply email us with the name of the person, their work email address and the date of the course that you’d like them to attend.

Author: Catherine Pinkney